Will You Please Watch This Video and Ask 2 People To Do The Same?


Did you know that in buying one additional American-made item in every 20, or so, products you purchase it will result in 1 million jobs for Americans?

So says Alex Bogusky, advertising genius and former proprietor of Crispin Porter + Bogusky, now of Coca-Cola and “The Real Bears” satire fame, turned full-time consumer advocate.

 Do America the honor and yourself the favor of watching “Made America” on You Tube or http://www.millionjobsproject.us.   While we madly consume back-to-school supplies and Halloween costumes, and soon explode with holiday gift giving: viva la “Made Movement”.


To learn more about South Miami or any other community – including Coral Gables, Coconut Grove, Pinecrest and Palmetto Bay, contact Val Byrne with EWM Realty International on www.MiamiRealEstateWorks.com or email at [email protected] or by phone at 305-323-6231. Val Byrne – Working For You!